Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Groovaloos

THE GROOVALOOS - SuperStars of Dance - USA Team - 1st Performance

THE GROOVALOOS - SuperStars of Dance - USA team - 2nd Performance

Superstars of Dance Team USA! What a fabulous perfomance. The highlight of the evening in my opinion. I don't know how many of you have seen superstars of dance. You can see all of the episodes on Hulu. It is real fun to see all of the different cultures and styles of dance come together.

As far as the show is concerned I have to say I agree with many of my peers in that the judging dosn't make any sence. First they are like - "Incredible, Amazing, Outstanding, 8" then they are like, "You weren't very good, 8." But all of the judges seem to agree these dances were amazing, incredible, outstanding, 10!

The Groovaloos - Superstars of Dance

1 Comment:

The Royal Family said...

HA HA I have this recorded on my DVR two episodes because I saw like 5 minutes... anyway I still haven't watched them, but seeing these videos now I can erase them. Thanks for sharing I love watching these talented dancers!